Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 8, 2011

Just fooling around!

I had a day off!Sounds like fun, but it was very boring,so I borrowed a few things to take these:

Haha,mixing all of these together was very fun.The hat was borrowed from my friend's grandpa, these pants were from her mom, the owl-shape bag and these bracelets were from my other friend,and finally, the shirt was mom!!!hahaha.Borrow things is really cool!!!(Oh, these glasses are mine,thank God,haha)
Taking these photos was great, and the best part is I can spend time with my friend.Haha.What a colorful Tuesday!!!

Everyday is a new life<3 Love you

Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 8, 2011

Fashion diary.The first one.

I love clothes n accessories.So, I'm gonna use this blog to show everyone everything I like.Uhm...........that's it!!!=))
Haha, I just love harem pants!They're cute, n they can also be sexy(But not the ones I'm wearing!=)))I think any fashion lover's closet should have at least a pair of these.

OMG!!!Red lip stick always the best!!!A girl should have like 6 lipsticks with different colors.And glasses too, more is better.I especially love unusual glasses like these Ray-ban.They make me much cooler,I think, and they gonna be totally awesome when you combine it with something classical.I know I would.And the best thing is these are very cheap and really easy to find.

  I took this picture a couple of days ago.I just love this none-sleeves coat so I uploaded this pic for you to see.It's pure white, and the material's just awesome:It has royal design all over it.But the pearl necklace is the thing that I love most about this outfit,because it's very big and unique, like no one else wearing this except me,hahaha.Oh, and the metallic high heels look kind of cool, too.